Note: WebGL cannot run the opening video so it is available to view on this page instead. The downloadable version runs the video, however.

Make sure to have Hardware Acceleration on in your web browser, otherwise the WebGL will not work.  Also play in fullscreen (Click the blue button which may be fairly obscured in the bottom right corner of the game).

Play as Artie the ackie monitor lizard, a retired private investigator in the city of Megacityopolis; a city turned to shambles as a wave of crime flooded its streets thanks to a powerful crime syndicate moving in to the area.

 Artie is the type to keep to his self, but when The Last Stand, the only place that makes coffee the way Artie likes it, becomes the latest victim of violence and vandalism, he sees no choice but to step up... And wipe out the crime syndicate with his own hands--er tail.

 The road is long, and Timmy Tartaruga will not go down without a fight or two... Or ten. But Artie is determined to rid the large and expanding city of Megacityopolis of these bugs (metaphorically speaking) even if it means going against endless waves of these criminals.

 Artie is ready to take his last stand for The Last Stand.

 The things we do for good coffee, right?

Bug Reports and other info:

- Enemy AI and hitboxes aren't flawless. These will be fine tuned at a later date.

- Some missing QoL stuff. The time crunch was big with this one, so we couldn't add everything we wanted by the Game jam date. Apologies for that! We do intend on adding a boss health bar, a stamina gauge, settings, and more.

- This is only a basic endless, time didn't permit us to add more shenanigans and difficulty changes.

- Some rough around the edges visuals and interactions, but they'll get cleaned up!


Faythe: Programming and Development

Glass_Turtle(Tazy): Art, Animation, and UI


ft. Steven Grant: Music

Link to his Spotify


Ackie!.zip 55 MB


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Ha, that was great! I am no 1 for now....

very nice! i love the art and its very charming even in its early stage :) hope you plan to keep working on it!